Observations for Singapore


Wind direction

16:35 (local time) / 08:35 UTC / Time zone: UTC+8

Hang Nadim / 38 mJohore Bharu-Sen / 40 mPaya Lebar / 32 mSingapore-Seleta / 14 mSingapore-Changi / 16 mSingapore-Changi / 16 mBatan / 24 mTanjungpinang-Kijan / 18 m
Observations for Singapore
Observations for Singapore
Archive (24 hours)

More parameters
Temperature [°C]
Dewpoint [°C]
Humidity [%]
Absolute humidity [g/m3]
Cloud cover [1/8]
Air pressure [hPa]
Windspeed [km/h]
Gust [km/h]
Wind direction

Wind direction

Windspeed [km/h]
   >= 120
   90 to 119
   70 to 89
   50 to 69
   30 to 49
   20 to 29
   < 20