Weather forecast for Naypyidaw -

Weather forecast for Naypyidaw

Astronomical data for 2024/10/12:
Sunrise:06:29 h
Sunset:18:14 h
Moonrise: 14:34 h
Moonset: 01:53 h

Weather forecast

On saturday it will be 24 to 33 degrees Celsius in Naypyidaw. It will be mostly scattered and it falls a little rain. The wind blows lightly from southwestern directions. The air pressure reaches values between 1006 and 1011 hPa.

Change to Fahrenheit/mmHg/in.

Weather forecast in detail
 Saturday2024/10/12 « backnext » 
night scatteredearly scatteredmorning scatteredmornings scatterednoon scatteredafternoon scattered and light rainevening scattered and light rainnight scattered
WindWind from SW 1 Bft
(2 m/s)
Wind from SW 1 Bft
(2 m/s)
Wind from SSW 1 Bft
(1 m/s)
Wind from SW 1 Bft
(2 m/s)
Wind from SW 1 Bft
(2 m/s)
Wind from SW 1 Bft
(2 m/s)
Wind from SSW 1 Bft
(1 m/s)
Wind from SW 1 Bft
(1 m/s)
Temperature24 °C24 °C24 °C29 °C32 °C31 °C27 °C25 °C
Dewpoint23 °C23 °C23 °C25 °C24 °C25 °C25 °C23 °C
Windchill25 °C25 °C24 °C34 °C38 °C37 °C30 °C25 °C
Air pressure, station level993 hPa992 hPa994 hPa995 hPa994 hPa991 hPa992 hPa994 hPa
Air pressure, sea level1009 hPa1008 hPa1010 hPa1011 hPa1009 hPa1006 hPa1008 hPa1010 hPa
Relative humidity94 %96 %96 %78 %64 %69 %86 %91 %
Absolute humidity20.5 g/m³20.9 g/m³20.9 g/m³22.5 g/m³21.7 g/m³22.1 g/m³22.2 g/m³21.0 g/m³
Precipitation0 mm0 mm0 mm0 mm0 mm1 mm1 mm0 mm
This weather forecast was calculated 2024/10/10 at 04 UTC. Basis is the SEVERE-Model of Tempsvrai.

Full weather forecast

• The astronomical data refer to a level horizon and a height of 0 meters. Neither altitude nor mountains in the area are considered.
• All data of the weather forecast refer to the position of the place 19.75°N 96.1°E, elevation 137 m. In cities and mountainous terrain, the actual values in the immediate vicinity may deviate significantly from the forecast values.
• The values of the windchill factor result from the wind chill temperature or the heat index, depending on the predicted temperature.